concerts 2025

Valery Meladze in Geneva!

Valery Meladze in Zurich!

Armenchik in Llíria (Valencia)!

Valery Meladze in Milan!

Armenchik in Brussels!

Armenchik Tour
Արմենչիկի 2025 թվականի եվրոպական շրջագայություն:
Valery Meladze in Athens!

Valery Meladze in Thessaloniki!

Loboda in Budva!

Loboda in Belgrade!

Loboda in Milan!
How to Buy a Concert Ticket in Europe
On our homepage, you’ll see a list of available concerts. You can also search using a range of filters, e.g. by country, city, date, or genre. Once you find a concert of your favorite artist, follow these steps:
- Click "Buy Ticket";
- Select your seats;
- Enter your details;
- Make the payment;
- Receive your tickets via email.
You can either print the tickets or show the code on your phone at the venue. To secure the best seats for concerts in Europe, book as early as possible. This will also give you access to the cheapest ticket options in the first pricing tier.
Why Choose Best Events to Buy Tickets
Among all the ticket booking websites, the Best Events site offers you unique advantages:
- Only official tickets that guarantee you entry to confirmed concerts.
- Up-to-date announcements and event posters that appear as soon as the event is officially announced.
- Low service fees: buy tickets without paying excessive commissions.
- Concerts across Europe: Paris, London, Rome, Barcelona, Zurich, Brussels, and many more.
- Wide genre selection: rock, pop, jazz, folk, disco, classical music, etc.
But these are not the only perks we offer! Want to stay informed about top concerts and be the first to buy official tickets for your favorite artists’ concerts in Europe? Subscribe to our newsletter! Enter your email in the subscription field at the bottom of the page and receive notifications on upcoming events and the start of official ticket sales.